Saturday, April 23, 2005
aduududududuh.. tadi malem laptop gw kena virus gara2 msn, dr si ruby, kayanya dia jg kena virus yg sama.. terus hari ini gw seharusnya ada mid sem exam statistic, tp gw malah pusing2 gak jelas lg.. tae.. mesti ngambil special exam lagi!!! fuck!
waduh2.. andin.. pakabar lo? long time no talk man! sori kmaren gw dah mo tidur pas lo nelfon.. ini skrg gw msh sakit kepala tp gak tau mo ngapain, bangun kepagian dan ga bs tidur lagi.. aaargh rese!
cha katanya lo mo ke brisbane? mana? ko belom dateng? oh yah msh pagi..
yah sally dah berangkat deh ke moreton island.. makan malem gmn nih ntar? kekekek.. canda sal.. ati2 dsana!
ah random bgt gw..
haha, imo akhirnya punya deviant art.. at last..atau peta mo?
gw mo laundry dulu..
hari ini ngapain ya? ah ah ah..
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Bagas Indyatmono 5:31 am
38,462 bloody comments!
Friday, April 22, 2005
say g'day, hey d'you wanna hear some reggae?
g'day! pakabar lo smua? dah lama ngga ngisi nih gw due to several problems.. mo ngomong apa ya gw?
let see..a couple of days ago, sally and galuh introduced me to this aussie guy named luke, well he's a good guy, been to indonesia plenty of times, and he wants to be a teacher i guess.. he's a musician too.. anyway, the day after that, me, luke, galuh, sally and adsa were having dinner at those girls' and shortly after eating he picked his didgeridoo from his car and had a play.. it was very nice, and he could play didge while playing guitar.. so i had this idea of bringing this instrument into my band, then i asked him to teach me play didge.. he did, and he gave me his didge.. he told me to practice everyday and show him my didge play later on..
up until today i could play an owl and kookkaburra sounds.. good ay? but this circular breath thingy is very hard to learn, so i lost my breath whenever i blow my didge..
today i went to my uni, done sholat jumat there.. also done my weekly law quiz in the library, i chatted with acit A.K.A astrid - chaca A.K.A cahaya's older sister - and i just knew that her boyfriend adjie is coming in 2 days from new zealand, she said that they wanna go to movie world next monday, she asked me to come since they have odd number of people going.. well okay.. im going to movie world!! haha!! meaning that im gonna be broke again soon..shit
sally feels upset that she couldnt go to movie world, she's going to moreton island tomorrow to visit a biotech research center for 2 days and having an exam on wednesday.. im sorry to hear that sal.. well maybe next time ok?
last sunday the cat empire came to brisbane to promote their new album titled "two shoes" and were having this autograph signing session in queen st mall,city.. i didnt go there coz i was having an exam on monday, but sally and vane A.K.A vanessa went downtown, so i asked them to buy me their cd and having it signed by the cat empire.. their new album ROCKS!!

that's it for today.. cheers..
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Bagas Indyatmono 1:30 pm
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
first things first..
finally i went to campus.. i was early though, arrived in the lecture theatre by 12, took a seat.. looking through the entire people, the lecturer.. and realised that i was in the wrong time.. my class is actually began at 2.. so stupid.. then i left the theatre and had something to eat in the refect.. after a while, i met marita to borrow her tute answer and i copied it in the library..
and the class finished..
returned marita's answer in this engineering library (this is the first time i've been here..) and i've done a business law online quiz which is due tomorrow afternoon.. hahahahaha.. what a day! i did such a great effort to get a cadillac.. ?? yeah, i was talking about cadillacs in the phone with andin last night.. she still got a lot of freecalls..thx to optus.. anyway, we chatted about this car and how to get one.. finished school first.. bla bla bla.. or quit school and be a rockstar and got rich quickly.. bla bla bla.. while i was browsing the net looking for some classic cadillac's sites.. im sorry to say this but i didn't really pay attention from what you said last night ndin.. kekeekekek.. maap yak.. tp ada ko yg gw tangkep.. inti2nya pokoknya..
well its time to go home and get online in msn.. hahaha..
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Bagas Indyatmono 2:03 pm
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Monday, April 11, 2005
so whats up?
i missed 3 fucking classes today.. the alarm, sally and andin did wake me up, but then i was so exhausted by on what? when i woke up it was 12.58 pm, i did my daily 'ritual' then did some laundry job.. i rang sally several times but she didnt answer.. nasib..
so i turned my laptop on, and dimas was online.. he wanted me to translate his works or whatever into english.. so i said ok.. but then he suddenly said "it's ONLY 4 pages.." i was like "anjing! i thought its only half a page or not more than a page!", "but i've already divided it into two parts, it suppose to be 8 pages and i gave the rest to diza.." well i said to him to send the thing first then we'll see..
things to do today:
-read business law's text book
-study for midsem test
-pray so that i can do those things.. haha..
oooh shit.. my last class is actually at 2...aaaaargh.. i thought it's at 1.. damn.
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Bagas Indyatmono 10:41 am
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
need some suggestions.
i made a new layout for this stupid blog last night till late.. need your comments..
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Bagas Indyatmono 8:47 am
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Friday, April 08, 2005
aaah.. finally..
i finally solved this fuckin problem.. as easy as clicking the internet option followed by clearing the history and cookies.. and everything went back to normal.. hahahah!!
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Bagas Indyatmono 9:06 pm
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i hate this!!
aaah tuh kan.. kalo di paksa2in mucul jg.. kalo mo baca cerita lengkap post gw seblom ini liat ke 'babi' bwkekeekekek... kesannya cerita gw sinetron.. ni blog aneh bgt sih.. td gw nyoba di laptop nya sally bs.. tp di laptop gw ga bs.. kalo gw klik muncul message box tulisannya "this document contains no data" shit shit shit.. have u guys ever got the same problem?
anyway, i just came back from sally's place eating chicken curry.. hmmm yum.. thx sal.. you always save my life.. kekekeke...
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Bagas Indyatmono 8:43 pm
08,462 bloody comments!
what's wrong with my fucking blog?
gw mo cerita lg ttg kemaren.. mudah2an gak error.. amiiin..
point2 penting aja deh..
- pas lecture microeconomics, lecturernya, Dr. Bruce Littleboy ngasih contoh buat supply and demand curves pake "weed farmer" dan hubungannya sm konsumennya..kekeke..kocak..jd ngerti..shit
- waktu lg chatting sm annora, gw denger ada decitan tempat tidur dan desahan yg membara..bwakakaka.. ternyata sharemate gw lg begituan sm cewenya.. parah.. terpaksa gw dengerin midnite 'radio' drama.. ya gak nor?
- kmaren di kasih sally cake+kiwi+custard.. hmmm enak bgt.. thx yah sal!
- abis mkn di SBS ada DARKWATER, gw nakut2in sally.. pas nelpon andin mo nakut2in dia.. ternyata dia dah tau.. shit...
- si andin minta bikinin layout baru buat blog nya, gw bikinin smp pagi sekalian experiment.. hehehe..
ah jd gak seru... blog aneh..
mudah2an gak ilang
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Bagas Indyatmono 1:33 pm
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aaargh,,rese bgt sih gw udah nulis panjang2 terus error..
my day always begin with an oversleep morning and end with 'gw ga ngantuk' night.. ah capek pake bhs inggris mulu.. jd gini.. kekeke..
kmaren gw lecture microeconomics, gw suka soalnya dosennya kocak, namanya aja kocak, Dr. Bruce Littleboy.. kmaren dia ngasih contoh ttg those fucking demand and supply curves pake 'weed farmer' jd gampang dimengerti..kkekeke..dateng lecture dah kaya nonton stand-up comedy..dan slalu yg di tunjuk2 buat contoh tuh gw..
abis lecture gw ke refect makan chicken in satay sauce, soalnya lg masakan indo di sana.. eh taunya rasanya gak ada indo2nya sm skali..yaudah gw beli chips pake lipton green tea..trus gw balik ke rumah..
pas sampe rumah,nyalain laptop,sign in msn messenger.. si annora lgsg aja ck ck.. nor nor.. lgsg ber-dongeng dia.. nah abis itu chatting jg sm yg laen2.. trus morum,devart.. spt biasa.. frenster.. spt ga biasa..
jam 8an gt, tb2 gw denger ada bunyi decitan tempat tidur.. trus ada suara desahan2 maut yg lama2 makin dahsyat.. ternyata.. housemate gw lg be'gt'an.. bwakakakakakak... ya udah deh gw dengerin midnite 'radio' drama spt kata annora..
pas udah agak maleman lg..biasa perut sally nawarin cake+kiwi+custard dr msn.. hmmm, yaudah gw gak nolak.. beranjaklah gw pergi ke tempat sally.. sempet kepleset jg tuh di dpn apartemen sally..sialan.. ujan soalnya..untung gak jatoh. di unitnya sally gw makan, ngobrol2.. trus gw nyalain tv pas sally di kamar.. SBS.. ternyata ada DARK WATER..blahahahaah..lgsg gw panggil sally.. "sal sini deh, ada film lucu.." pas dia liat dia lgsg "kyaaaa..sialan km, jgn macem2 deh..!" (ko bahasa komik gini gw?) si sally lgsg loncat ke gw.. aseeekk.. dlm hati gw.. kekekekekkeke... anyway, thx sal cake nya.. it was great! abis itu gw balik ke rumah, si adsa dan galuh (housematenya sally) nitip buangin sampah ke depan.. nasib.. tp gpp.. pas dah kluar gw nyari2 tong sampah mreka gak ada, yaudah gw buang di tong sampah gw..
nah..pas dah smp kamar gw, msn msh nyala, sally msh online.. trus gw sapa aja dia "hi.." dia bales macem2.. trus gw diemin.. bbrp saat kemudian gw telpon dia,bilang "sal, tempat sampah km kok gak ada di depan?" sally panik.."loh bags km emang skrg dmn?" "aku di depan nih msh nyari tong sampah km.." bwakakakak.. si sally lgsg lari ke kamarnya adsa, ngetok2 ketakutan.. "saaa, gw takut!!" lama2 gw gak tega gw blg aja kalo gw boong.. sorry sal.. makanya jgn penakut jd org...
abis itu, i rang andin to ring me.. pas dia nelpon gw blg aja "eh ndin, di SBS ada film kocak abis.." dia blg "SBS tuh yg mana sih? yg foreign yah?" gw jwb "iya.." bbrp saat kemudian dia nanya "eh gas lo dah nonton darkwater belom?" bwakakakaka... gagal deh rencana gw.. tae.. sialan lo ndin..
trus gw sempet msn-an sm bagus.. sahabat gw dr sd HI yg tdnya di brisbane dan sekarang di malay.. dia blom apply internet di dormnya dsana, jdnya dah lama gak OL, ternyata dia OL di rmh temennya.. krn dah lama ngga ngobrol ya kita ngobrol mayan lama..
ujung2nya si andin nyuruh gw bikinin layout baru buat blognya.. emilystrange dia maunya.. yaudah gw bikinin smp pagi.. sekalian experiment..
hr ini si andin bangunin gw jam 11.. dia nelpon gw gara2 kesel gak dpt tiketnya tori amos dan usb nya ilang.. hahaha.. trus gw tanya aja ke dia "dah liat blog lo blom?" yaudah abis itu thx2an dah dia.. bwekekekeke.. trus dia masuk lecture lg.. pas gw cek di ticketek ternyata tiketnya baru di jual jam 10 hr ini.. jelas aja dia gak bs beli.. tenang ndin.. msh ada tiketnya!
bah,gw ada quiz business law due hr ini jam 5.. mesti ngerjain nih.. yaudah ah.. fuck.. i gotta do this fucking quiz now..
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Bagas Indyatmono 8:02 am
18,462 bloody comments!
Thursday, April 07, 2005
why dont you call me?
sally came to my unit last nite, we cooked (actually boiled) michiyo goreng manalagi and chicken strips..nice huh?thats the only meal i had for yesterday..the whole day..
speaking of chicken strips, hv u ever seen a chicken strips? as in doing a striptease? kekekeke...shit, i was having this image of a chicken stripping in front of a chicken-crowd and mmm.. its not important.. really..
anyway.. annora and i were having conversation in msn last nite about someone while andin was talking to me in the phone.. it was funny because i was like the 'mediator' for them to talk with each other..kekekeke.. well, good luck nor
aaarrggh, i didnt wake up this morning (again), ndin why dont you call me? you promised to ring me at 9 rite? because of you nih i missed a lecture..kekekeke.. just kidding mate, i actually woke up but then im feeling very tired (or maybe lazy) so i slept again, even if you rang me, wont make any difference..
nice, its almost 1, i havent printout my lecture slides, done my dishwashing, and having shower.. life is too complicated, full of craps..
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Bagas Indyatmono 9:29 am
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Wednesday, April 06, 2005
another _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day
i overslept again today but luckily i dont have any classes in the morning..fuuuuh.. yesterday i missed my business law tutorial which attendances are taken for assesment.. shit.. andon and i didnt talk any longer than 2 minutes last night, coz i went to sally's unit to get sumthin to eat and we chatted for a while until im asleep.. when i woke up it was around 12:30 am so i decided to go back and continue my hobby in my home..
i found my highschool's folder which has my timetable, 1st year-hidden-mid semester report, my friends' writings also some pics and my drawings.. haha.. it reminds me a lot of my highschool days when i used to force my friends to 'do something' in my folder.. also my first girlfriend putri,who used to chat with me in class on a piece of paper..and i still keep the conversation.. ah shit shit shit...(tai tai tai) i miss my fucking highschool, wish i was there on the 3rd year.. is there any english word for 'ngepet' or 'anjrit' ?
fyi, i posted some pics from my folder in
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Bagas Indyatmono 7:35 am
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Monday, April 04, 2005
eh emang kalo ngisi ginian mesti pake bahasa inggris?? tae ah gak penting.. nothing really important happened today so i dont need to say anything now. cheers.
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Bagas Indyatmono 9:46 pm
08,462 bloody comments!


green week
my facebook
my FIENDster
sigit pramono photography
java banana
find them where it's quiet, so listen closely...listen
liquid running
daunting music for our ears
continuous story
udah jepang,tembem lagi
blep's crib
gold le qoc
run like hell
bang bang tut
mr sheen
maw's abstract
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